Wednesday, October 03, 2007

100- To Be or Not to Be - Director:Ernst Lubitsch - Cast: Carole Lombard, Jack Benny, Robert Stack, Felix Bressart, and Lionel Atwill.

"I think I am possessed only of a fascination for the work I have chosen to do . . . I am so engrossed by the production of a film that I literally think of nothing else. I have no hobby, no outside interests and want none."

-Ernst Lubitsch-
"I let the audience use their imaginations. Can I help it if they misconstrue my suggestions?"

-Ernst Lubitsch-

"I live by a man's code, designed to fit a man's world, yet at the same time I never forget that a woman's first job is to choose the right shade of lipstick.”

-Carole Lombard-

"She brought great joy to all who knew her and to millions who knew her only as a great artist. She gave unselfishly of time and talent to serve her government in peace and war. She loved her country. She is and always will be a star, one we shall never forget, nor cease to be grateful to.

The first woman to be killed in action, in defense of her country, in its war against the Axis Powers."

-President Roosevelt -giving Carole Lombard a medal after her death in a plane crash.

"Nobody should try to play comedy unless they have a circus going on inside."
-Ernst Lubitsch-not about Lombard,but this tells you everything about her too.

Lucille Ball :Carole Lombard was a marvelous friend of mine when I first started,yes...She was a great lady.

Dick Cavett:Was she Witty?

Lucille Ball:Very... ... Beautiful,Chick,Sexy.Adorable.Man just fell down...and lady's too.


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