Wednesday, September 19, 2007

93-The Big Lebowski - Director:Joel Coen - Cast: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston,and Jesus (John Turturro).

" We wanted to do a Chandler kind of story - how it moves episodically, and deals with the characters trying to unravel a mystery. As well as having a hopelessly complex plot that's ultimately unimportant."

-Joel Coen-

"And there was something attractive about having the main character not be a private eye, but just some pothead intuitively figuring out the ins and outs of an elaborate intrigue. And then there's Walter, whose instincts are always wrong. "

-Ethan Coen-


"I didn't smoke while I was on the set. It would have been a great excuse to get high. But that's a lesson I've learned. Working in an inebriated state is fine for a couple of takes but you've got to sustain that all day and that really doesn't do you a whole lot of good. So for The Dude I did some sense memory work. I was a bit of a pothead in my youth so I had a lot of experience to draw on..."

-Jeff Bridges-


"The Dude's a force of nature, man! Usually when I catch one of mine on TV, it's like watching a home movie - oh, I remember that moment, you know - but every time it's The Big Lebowski, I always end up watching the whole damn thing."

-Jeff Bridges-


"Well, there's a shot in my photography book that's a personal favourite. We were shooting this Busby Berkeley thing and I thought it would be a good day to invite the wife and kids on the set. All of a sudden I realised that there was this scene I had to shoot where I fly under all these women's legs, looking up at their vaginas. So I'm lying on this skateboard and to break the ice I talk to the first girl and say to her, "Do you mind if I take a picture? I've got a real photo opportunity here." And she's like, "By all means, Dude." So I'm lying on my board, looking up at her snatch and there's these huge tufts of pubic hair sticking out of her leotard. I look up the next skirt and there's even more pubic hair. And as I go further down the line, the girls are getting more and more bushy. And I'm like, God, this is a dream! Turns out they'd been pulling one on The Dude and stuffed a load of hair inside their leotards."

-Jeff Bridges-

The dvdbeaver review of "The Big Lebowski" still is Mr.Gary Tooze finest hour
AND dvdbeaver Members list-Top 100 Films
Yes,just like in here...In the middle of all the Bergmans,Dreyers,and Tarkovskys.....
Well,sometimes there's a man....


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