Tuesday, September 18, 2007

92-Woman In The Dunes - Director:Hiroshi Teshigahara - Cast:Eiji Okada and Kyôko Kishida.
"I decided to shoot this film when I read the original story,but as soon as I started,I realized that I had underestimated the challenges of handling sand.In order to show a sandpit that one cannot escape from,I needed a slope of sand that one could climb out of .However,since sand can only be piled up to around 30 degrees,it was very difficult to simulate such a slope. Kyoko Kishida willingly agreed to appear in this film when I asked her.She also had read the original and seemed she wanted to do this role.Therefore,acting direction for Eiji Okada and Kishida went very smoothly.Kishida did the nude scene for us daringly.Both Okada and Kishida got into their roles so deeply that the look of their faces changed during the four month shooting.
This film is the story of a woman who lives with the sand surrounding her,finding her purpose of life there,and a man who discovers water in the sand,seeing hope in it,desperately tries to escape but finally decides to remain there.Human nature is the theme.
-Hiroshi Teshigahara-
"More than almost any other film I can think of, "Woman in the Dunes'' uses visuals to create a tangible texture--of sand, of skin, of water seeping into sand and changing its nature. It is not so much that the woman is seductive as that you sense, as you look at her, exactly how it would feel to touch her skin. The film's sexuality is part of its overall reality: In this pit, life is reduced to work, sleep, food and sex, and when the woman wishes for a radio, "so we could keep up with the news,'' she only underlines how meaningless that would be."
-Roger Ebert-


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