Wednesday, September 12, 2007

90-Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (aka 'Black God, White Devil') Director: Glauber Rocha - Cast:Geraldo Del Rey,Yona Magalhães,Maurício do Valle,Othon Bastos,Lídio Silva,and Sônia dos Humildes.

"Latin hunger is not only an alarming system: it is the nerve of its own society.There the tragic originality of the Cinema Novo is displayed before the world movies:-our originality is our hunger and our greatest poverty is that this hunger, being felt, it is not understood "
-Glauber Rocha-

"We [the Cinema Novo] understand this hunger that the majority of Europeans and Brazilians don't understand… They don't know where this hunger comes from. We know – we who make these sad and ugly films, these desperate films where reason doesn't always possess the loudest voice, that hunger will not be cured by the planning of the cabinet [i.e. government] and that the strips of technicolor will not hide but amplify its tumors. That said, only a culture of hunger, looking at its own structure, can rise above itself, qualitatively speaking: it's the noblest manifestation of cultural hunger and violence. "
-Glauber Rocha-

"Rocha's concern with thematic dialectics is most apparent in his explorations of Brazilian popular culture, which he perceived as representing both a permanent rebellion against oppression and the evasion of social problems...Rocha's efforts to form a genuinely Brazilian cinema, founded on authentic themes and expressed through an idiom peculiar to Latin America, led him to make beautiful and moving films which continue to speak for his ideals." John Mraz (International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, 1991)

"Perhaps the premier Brazilian filmmaker, Rocha is an artist with a social conscience who makes films reflecting the barbarity, beauty, earthiness, and inequality in the culture of his country. Sometimes he illustrates truths through myths."
-William R. Meyer (The Film Buff's Catalog, 1978) -

"('Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol' is) the most beautiful thing I have seen in more than a decade, filled with a savage poetry.’
-Luis Bunuel-


"I have always been in love with Picasso and Luis Bunuel.Both had a great impact in my life as a man and as an artist,and I had the pleasure to know(-live with) him for a few months. I've always said to everyone that the only person in the world that impressed me only buy his look,gestures,I mean ...-moral- was Luis Bunuel.No man impressed me by his look and contact,only Luis Bunuel.I had the impression that I was seeing a God. That does not mean I was being influenced by Bunuel,like some critics like to say,because I made my films knowing Bunuel('s work) very little.Only after I made my films I learned more about Bunuel.
-Glauber Rocha-

"Everybody wants to kill Glauber Rocha.They did not forgive me for making 'Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol' at the age of 23.This is crazy.I mean,we can exist.You make something and it doesn't grow...I always have collective thoughts about Brazilian Cinema and they thought about killing me.I found out that they were double-crossing me,like on a Shakespeare play.It was crazy.So,I think,with openings,and with the emergency of youth,a new generation of filmmakers will rise.But not on the same terms because television changed the Cinema's language.And,by the way,I really like that Francis Ford Coppola talked about me in Cannes,in his interview to the press, he said I was right."
-Glauber Rocha-

"He used to call me 'Antonio das Mortes'(laughs)"

-Francis Ford Coppola-

"The camera needs to be treated like a musical instrument.The editing like drums.People nedd to understand cinema though the camera.How it writes,sing,dance...The editing is the rhythm and has no rules."
-Glauber Rocha-


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