Monday, July 23, 2007

76-Diary of a Country Priest - Director:Robert Bresson - Cast: Claude Laydu,Jean Riveyre,Marie-Monique Arkell,André Guibert,Antoine Balpêtré,Nicole Ladmiral,Nicole Maurey and Martine Lemaire.
"The most moving moments of the film are those in which the text and image are saying the same thing, each however in its own way... It is here at the edge that the event reveals its true significance. It is because the film is entirely structured on this relationship that, towards the end, the image takes on such emotional power. It would be in vain to look for its devastating beauty simply in what is explicit. I doubt if the individual frames in any other film, taken separately, are so deceptive."
-André Bazin-
"I felt a strong affinity with Bernanos' [the author] and Bresson's Mouchette. It's a film I would have liked to have made myself, but which I didn't understand. In Mouchette the motif is expressed clearly and explicitly, free from all impurities. The girl in Mouchette and the girl in The Devil's Wanton [Prison] are sisters, sisters in two similar worlds. But while The Devil's Wanton is full of quirks and divagation and coquetry and jumps about all over the place, Mouchette is clear as daylight. It’s a pure work of art.I'm also tremendously fond of The 'Diary of a Country Priest', one of the most remarkable works ever made. My 'Winter Light' was very much influenced by it."
-Ingmar Bergman-
"Robert Bresson is for me an example of a real and genuine film-maker... He obeys only certain higher, objective laws of Art.... Bresson is the only person who remained himself and survived all the pressures brought by fame."
-Andrei Tarkovsky-
Andrei Tarkovsky's list of favorite films(1972):
1-Diary of a country priest - Bresson
2-Winter Light - Bergman
3-Nazarin - Bunuel
4-Wild Strawberries - Bergman
5-City Lights - Chaplin
6-Ugetsu - Mizoguchi
7-Seven Samurai - Kurosawa
8-Persona - Bergman
9-Mouchette - Bresson
10-Woman of the Dunes - Teshigahara
"It seems to me that every original aspect in the work of genuine writers, genuine painters, musicians, filmmakers, always has deep roots. Therefore, finding references from far back in the past, is inevitable. I don't even know what it originates from. Perhaps it is not a characteristic of our spiritual stance, but a typical aspect of our time. Because time is nevertheless reversible. At least that is what I believe. We often discover something that we have already experienced. When I am working, it helps me a lot to think of Bresson. Only the thought of Bresson! I don't remember any of his works concretely. I remember only his supremely ascetic manner. His simplicity. His clarity. The thought of Bresson helps me to concentrate on the central idea of the film.'
-Andrei Tarkovsky-


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