Sunday, July 22, 2007

75-The Films of Buster Keaton - Director:Buster Keaton - Cast:Buster Keaton
"He did things that was 30-40 years ahead of it's time.I mean,he was doing stuff that was surreal.He found in every man Character.And he put them in Extraordinary Circumstances."
-Richard Dreyfuss-
"Charlie's tramp was a bum with a bum's philosophy.Lovable as he was, he would steal if he got the chance. My little fellow was a workingman, and honest.''
-Buster Keaton-
"A cinema operator falls asleep at his machine and dreams he is a great detective—the kind that only the cinema can produce"
-TIME magazine,June 1924-
"No man can be a genius in slapshoes and a flat hat.”
-Buster Keaton-


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