Monday, July 09, 2007

73-Sullivan's Travels - Director:Preston Sturges - Cast:Joel McCrea,Veronika Lake,Robert Warwick,William Demarest and Robert Greig.

"I did all my directing when I wrote the screenplay. It was probably harder for a regular director. He probably had to read the script the night before shooting started."

-Preston Sturges-


"I have no success formula. If I have attained any, it's an act of God. What I learned I picked up from sets. I just kept my eyes opened and learned, as my Filipino chauffeur learned to drive an auto. For five years he rode on seats near the bus driver and watched the driver. Then he went out and started driving."

-Preston Surges-


"The most incredible thing about my career is that I had one."

-Preston Sturges-


"He was truly a Renaissance figure. There were very few that came down the pike with his vision. If he had a little luck - and financing - it was there on the screen. A new voice that spoke with wit. Incisively. Daringly. Compared with the ninety percent of drivel that went on the screen, there was thought. There was a man of intellect, of size. A man who wrote literature."

-Billy Wilder-on Sturges


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