Thursday, June 28, 2007

70-Stagecoach - Director:John Ford - Cast:Claire Trevor, John Wayne, Andy Devine and John Carradine.
"When (John) Ford was dying we used to discuss how tough it was to make a good western without [John] Wayne."
-Howard Hawks-
"[John] Wayne is underrated. He's an awfully good actor: He holds a thing together; he gives it a solidity and honesty, and he can make a lot of things believable."
-Howard Hawks-
"It's no use talking to me about art, I make pictures to pay the rent."
-John Ford-
"...Stagecoach talks about the need for bonding."
-Mel Brooks-
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”
-John Ford-
"Originally, I didn't like Ford---because of his material: for example, the comic secondary characters, the brutality, the male-female relationships typified by the man's slapping the woman on the backside. But eventually I came to understand that he had achieved an absolute uniformity of technical expertise. And his technique is the more admirable for being unobtrusive: His camera is invisible; his staging is perfect; he maintains a smoothness of surface in which no one scene is allowed to become more important than any other. Such mastery is possible only after one has made an enormous number of films. Questions of quality aside, John Ford is the Simenon of directors."
-Francois Truffaut-
"He's a warm, kind-hearted, loving, generous, intellectual genius"
-Deborah Kerr-on John Wayne


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