Saturday, July 07, 2007

72-Detour- Director:Edgar G. Ulmer - Cast:Tom Neal, Ann Savage, Claudia Drake, Edmund MacDonald and Tim Ryan.
"The movie was shot on the cheap with B-minus actors, but it was directed by a man of qualities: Edgar G. Ulmer (1900-1972), a refugee from Hitler, who was an assistant to the great Murnau on ``The Last Laugh'' and ``Sunrise,'' and provided one of the links between German Expressionism, with its exaggerated lighting, camera angles and dramaturgy, and the American film noir, which added jazz and guilt."
-Roger Ebert-
"Detour was shot in 6 days for only $20.000.The Director could only rely on his resourcefulness.In fact,his idiosyncratic style grew out of such drastic limitations.This is why Ulmer has become such an inspiration over the years to low-budget filmmakers."


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