Wednesday, December 20, 2006


"I don't like Godard.I think there behind the mask of the sophisticated man,there hides nothing but a dilettante."
-Billy Wilder- on Godard

"Once a shit,always a shit."
-Francois Truffaut- when he suggested a title of a "autobiographical film" to his (ex-)friend Godard

"He says he admires me, but that's not true.What is never said about Tarantino is that those prisons we are shown pictures of,(Iraq) where the torture is taking place, are called "reservoir dogs". I think the name is very appropriate."... "Tarantino named his production company after one of my films. He'd have done better to give me some money."
-Jen-Luc Godard- on Tarantino


"In this profession, I always admire people who are going on, who have a sort of idea and, however crazy it is, are putting it through; they are putting people and things together, and they make something. I always admire this. But I can't see his pictures. I sit for perhaps twenty-five or thirty or fifty minutes and then I have to leave, because his pictures make me so nervous. I have the feeling the whole time that he wants to tell me things, but I don't understand what it is, and sometimes I have the feeling that he's bluffing, double-crossing me.

I've never been able to appreciate any of his films, nor even understand them....I find his films affected, intellectual, self-obsessed and, as cinema, without interest and frankly dull....I've always thought that he made films for critics."
-Ingmar Bergman-on Godard

"Antonioni has never properly learn his craft. He's an aesthete. If, for example, he needs a certain kind of road for The Red Desert, then he gets the houses repainted on the damned street. That is the attitude of an aesthete. He took great care over a single shot, but didn't understand that a film is a rhythmic stream of images, a living, moving process; for him, on the contrary, it was such a shot, then another shot, then yet another. So, sure, there are some brilliant bits in his films....[but] I can't understand why Antonioni is held in such high esteem."
-Ingmar Bergman- on Antonioni

"Antonioni is just boring"
-Orson Welles-

"He's done two masterpieces, you don't have to bother with the rest. One is Blow-Up, which I've seen many times, and the other is La Notte, also a wonderful film, although that's mostly because of the young Jeanne Moreau. In my collection I have a copy of Il Grido, and damn what a boring movie it is. So devilishly sad, I mean. You know, Antonioni never really learned the trade. He concentrated on single images, never realising that film is a rhythmic flow of images, a movement. Sure, there are brilliant moments in his films. But I don't feel anything for L'Avventura, for example. Only indifference. I never understood why Antonioni was so incredibly applauded. And I thought his muse Monica Vitti was a terrible actress."
-Ingmar Bergman- on Antonioni

"His greatest international breakthrough came with Cries and Whispers...-(1973???)-And after that I don't think he's made any good films. My favourite is the trilogy around Persona, with The Silence and Persona and Winter Light. -[Note: Persona is not a part of this trilogy; 'Through a Glass Darkly' Is.]- ...Extremely important films. Persona is very interesting, and I also like his older films, but I can't stand Fanny and Alexander."
-Lars Von Trier- on Bergman

"I don't condemn that very northern, very Protestant world of artists like Ingmar Bergman; it's just not where I live. The Sweden I like to visit is a lot of fun. But Bergman's Sweden always reminds me of something Henry James said about Ibsen's Norway—that it was full of 'the odour of spiritual paraffin.' How I sympathize with that!....I share neither his interests nor his obsessions. He's far more foreign to me than the Japanese."
-Orson Welles- on Bergman

"Born Yesterday was sort of funny. I think it's probably, in terms of talking comedies, the best American one. Better than all that nonsense with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant and the leopard(bringing up baby), which I always found stupid"
-Woody Allen-
"His films are a small-town boy's dream of a big city. His sophistication works because it's the creation of someone who doesn't have it. But he shows dangerous signs of being a superlative artist with little to say."
-Orson Welles-on Fellini
"For me he's just a hoax. It's empty. It's not interesting. It's dead. Citizen Kane, which I have a copy of - is all the critics' darling, always at the top of every poll taken, but I think it's a total bore. Above all, the performances are worthless. The amount of respect that movie's got is absolutely unbelievable...
And I've never liked Welles as an actor, because he's not really an actor. In Hollywood you have two categories, you talk about actors and personalities. Welles was an enormous personality, but when he plays Othello, everything goes down the drain, you see, that's when he's croaks. In my eyes he's an infinitely overrated filmmaker."
-Ingmar Bergman-on Welles
"Pickford and Garbo knew when to quit.Gish became a character actress;Crawford became a cartoon,playing axe-murderers.And Bette Davis was doing orange juice commercials.Orange juice for God's sake!!!"
-Katharine Hepburn-

"too many of the (French) new-wave directors were show-offs.They made films pour epater les gens,that is,to amaze their audience with tricks.I forced myself to sit throught 'Last year at Marienbad',because I paid my two dollars.It was the worst form of cinema--boring cinema.And Resnais is the biggest bore."
-William Wyler-
"I never really believe I was worth anything as an artist.I certainly don't consider myself a businessman"
-Walt Disney-on himself
"I love Marilyn Monroe. I think she was the coolest blonde. I think like me she just didn't care what anyone thinks. She's happy. She's smiling. I don't know, I just always thought she was so beautiful and she just seemed, like, magical."
-Paris Hilton-
" Almost the greatest picture ever made"
-William Wyler on Bergman's 'The Virgin Spring'-
"Now I want to make it plain that The Virgin Spring must be regarded as an aberration. It's touristic, a lousy imitation of Kurosawa. At that time my admiration for the Japanese cinema was at its height. I was almost a samurai myself!"
-Ingmar Bergman-on his own 'Virgin Spring'
"I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling on his face and not Gary Cooper."
-Gary Cooper-who didn't believe in "Gone with the Wind"
"How dare he talk about Italian cinema when he doesn't know anything about American cinema?"
-Sophia Loren-on Tarantino
The Lost quotes....(I can't seem to find them anymore....)
x Woody Allen saying that Preston Sturges is "not funny at all"."Unfaithfully Yours" is the only one that is worth watching because of the performance of Rex Harrison.He called Sturges "rural humor".
x Woody Allen also does not like Wilder's "Some like it Hot" at all. "Transvestite humor is not funny"
xBunuel (??) saying that Hitchcock was a shit.Maybe he was only good with the camera because he was so fat.So he could take the camera to places where he couldn't go.
"Marilyn Monroe? A vacuum with nipples”
-Otto Preminger-
“Directing her was like directing Lassie. You need 14 takes to get each one of them right.”
-Otto Preminger-on Marilyn Monroe


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