Tuesday, July 11, 2006

47- Day of Wrath - Director:Carl-Theodor Dreyer. Cast:Thorkild Roose,Lisbeth Movin ,Sigrid Neiiendam,Preben Lerdorff Rye and Anna Svierkier.

“Dreyer seems to prey on our subconscious, our unformulated fears; the mood is evocative, dreamy, spectral. Psychological surprise, dread, and obsession are the substance of the film; death hovers over everyone.

Carl Dreyer's art begins to unfold just at the point where most directors give up"
-Pauline Kael-

--"Editorial Jaguar", Spain, 2001
1-Citizen Kane -Welles
2-The Leopard -Visconti
3-Ordet -Dreyer
4-Vertigo -Hitchcock
5-The Searchers -Ford
6-The Godfather 1&2 -Coppola
7-Sunrise -Murnau
8-Gertrud -Dreyer
9-The Man who Shot Liberty Valance -Ford
10-2001: A Space Odyssey-Kubrick


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