Friday, July 07, 2006

45-Battleship Potemkin. Director: Sergei M. Eisenstein -Cast:Aleksandr Antonov, Vladimir Barsky, Grigori Aleksandrov, ... ...

"You know,I make a picture,and then I forget about it.I don't have a print,I don't have a cassete.I have a script at the office,in case I would like to look.Which is the best picture I have ever seen?My answer always is Battleship Potemkin,by Eisenstein."
-Billy Wilder-

Trivia: Also Charles Chaplin favorite movie ever.

"Kinovedcheskie", Russia, 1995
1-Citizen Kane
2-Battleship potemkin
4-8 1/2
6-The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
7-The Rules of the Game
9-The Passion of Joan of Arc
10-Ivan the Terrible


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