Friday, June 02, 2006

38-Stromboli,terra di Dio. -Director:Roberto Rossellini. Cast:Ingrid Bergman ,Mario Vitale and Renzo Cesana.

"Stromboli was the first Italian film I ever saw on a big screen.Even at the age of seven I could feel the scandalous air around the movie.Rossellini and his star Ingrid Bergman, had had an affair and a child out of wedlock.Now,today,it doesn't seem like a very big thing but it was back then.They were condemned throughout America.And not just by the church this time,they were actually condemned on the floor of the American Senate.

Rossellini once described Karin (Ingrid Bergman) like this:
"A woman has undergone the trials of war.She comes out of it bruised and hardened no longer knowing what a human feeling is"

Rossellini once said that the most important thing was to find out if this woman could still cry.But it's more than that.Here's a woman who's undergone a series of horrible trials and who now has a baby growing inside of her.And at the edge of the volcano,she wakes up to a new spiritual reality.It doesn't matter whether or not she goes back to her husband...This is a film about her journey.A journey that many of us may have gone through at different times in our lives.Suffering,acceptance,transcendence,and finally peace."
-Martin Scorsese- My Voyage to Italy ~

Isabella Rossellini and her mother(Ingrid Bergman)

"May 1948

Dear Mr.Rossellini,

I have seen your films Rome Open City and Paisan and I enjoyed them very much.If you need a Swedish actress who speaks English very well,has not forgotten her German,is barely comprehensible in French,and who can only say "I love you" in Italian,I am ready to come to Italy to work with you.

Ingrid Bergman."


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