Friday, June 02, 2006

37- Rear Window - Director:Alfred Hitchcock. Cast: James Stewart,Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey and Thelma Ritter.

"The set had to be pre-lit because it was such a tremendous job. We had 31 apartments, 12 of them fully furnished. The people moving around in them had microphones on, which you couldn't see at that distance, through which they received instructions."

-Alfred Hitchcock-

"My Favorite Hitchcock picture,which I think is the quintessential Hitchcock film is 'Rear Window'.He was very voyeuristic with his camera"
- Steven Spielberg -

"It shows every kind of human behavior. ... What you see across the way is a group of little stories that ... mirror a small universe."
-Alfred Hitchcock-

"all of the stories have a common denominator in that they involve some aspect of love. James Stewart's problem is that he doesn't want to marry Grace Kelly. Everything he sees across the way has a bearing on love and marriage."
-Francois Truffaut-

"I suppose Rear Window(is my favorite)... Working with Hitchcock is just a joy and it's something special. I would say that John Ford, Frank Capra and Alfred Hitchcock are the giants of the crowd. I think Rear Window is probably my favourite.

He was so clever in his use of the camera to give movement to a completely static thing. That hasn't happened very often. This has been disastrous for a lot of people with less talent than Hitchcock."
-James Stewart-


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