Sunday, April 30, 2006

29- Raging Bull - Director:Martin Scorsese - Cast: Robert De Niro , Cathy Moriarty, and Joe Pesci.
"Now,I'm an American,so when I decided to try and make films I naturally thought my place was hollywood.I mean,if you're a filmmaker in America that's where they make movies.But then,the more films I made the more I realized what an indible mark Italian Cinema had left on me.So,as a filmmaker,I'm kind of caught.I've never really felt like a hollywood director,or at least,what my idea of a hollywood director is supposed to be.And obviously I'm not an Italian filmmaker either.So I guess I define my home as somewhere in between.I suppose it's the only way I'm gonna feel comfortable"
-Martin Scorsese-My Voyage to Italy
"Much of Raging Bull exists because of the possibilities it offers De Niro to display his own explosive art"
-TIME magazine(1980)-


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