Wednesday, May 17, 2006

34- Trouble in Paradise -Director: Ernst Lubitsch. Cast:Herbert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins and Kay Francis.


"Lubitsch was a giant . . . his talent and originality were stupefying."
-Orson Welles-
"Ernst Lubitsch was the complete architect of motion pictures. His stamp was on every frame of film -- from conception to delivery. For high style, romantic comedies and spicy musicals he set a standard that has not been equaled. The Lubitsch 'touch' was unique."
-Frank Capra-

"Ernst Lubitsch was truly the auteur of his films. He created a style of sophisticated comedy peculiarly his own, as well as a new style of musical, both unknown before his time. His films bore the recognizable and indelible stamp of the gay, clever, witty, mischevious master, whose delightful personality matched his work. I am proud to have known him as a friend and teacher. Lubitsch's films were truly Lubitsch's, possessive credit intended."
- William Wyler-
"A man of pure cinema."
-Alfred Hitchcock-
"None of us thought we were making anything but entertainment for the moment. Only Ernst Lubitsch knew we were making art."
-John Ford-
"Lubitsch was a prince."
-Francois Truffaut-
"He could do more to show the grace and humor of sex in a nonlustful way than any other director I've ever heard of."
-Charles Chaplin-
"His films were loaded with a kind of wit which was specifically the essence of the intellectual Berlin in those days. This man was so strong that when he was asked by Hollywood to work there, he not only didn't lose his Berlin style but he converted the Hollywood industry to his own way of expression."
-Jean Renoir-
"I still remember the day of the funeral. After the ceremony,William Wyler and I walked silently to our car.Finally I said,just to say something to break the silence,"No more Lubitsch".To which Wyler replied,"Worse than more Lubitsch films".

How right we were.For 20 years since then we all tried to find the secret of the "Lubitsch touch".Nothing doing.Oh,if we were lucky,we sometimes managed a few feet of film here and there in our work that momentarily sparkled like Lubitsch.Like Lubitsch,not real Lubitsch.

His Art is lost.That most elegant of screen magicians took his secret with him"

-Billy Wilder-

"No one would claim that Lubitsch's German films were more important than his American ones"

-Fritz Lang-

"His favorite was a picture called "Trouble in Paradise".He told me so himself.It was his favorite picture...he liked better than any other that he did,including Ninotchka.But the beginning of it all was this picture made by Mauritz Stiller.I never saw it,and I cannot remember the name.I was still a schoolboy and had not graduated high school.But something in it created Lubitsch...And to this I must say,Mauritz Stiller was a very,very fine director.Swedish pictures were then not as popular as American."

-Billy Wilder-


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