Tuesday, March 28, 2006

the 3 most ( internationally) famous figures of Italian Cinema. Fellini,Mastroianni and Sophia Loren.

"-Cameron Crowe:When you saw a movie like La dolce Vita,did you call Fellini?Send him a note?
Billy Wilder:I sent him a note,yes.
Cameron Crowe:What kind of note does Billy Wilder send to Federico Fellini?
Billy Wilder:An enthusiastic one.But I knew Fellini,and I adored him,and he lost his way in some very fancy ways.It's just impossible now to make a film in Italy,except a small comedy,you know,which is a local success.Yes,they have local pictures but not big ones.And they meant to be local pictures.And once in a while you discover an "Il Postino".But Fellini--he died too soon.That is a sad,sad thing.I loved "Nights of Cabiria" and "La Dolce Vita".Those were the only two that made sense to me.The weary journalist played by Mastroianni,that was a wonderful character.Every sequence in the picture was someone's fantasy.That was the structure,and that's why it worked."


"She is so sensual that most men must have a mad desire to tear off her clothes. However, they do not even dare to take her hand because she looks so distinguished, natural and discreet."

-Cary Grant on Loren-

“When I perform with Marcello [Mastroianni], I am the full moon. And he is the ring around me.”

-Sophia Loren-


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