Sunday, April 09, 2006

26-The Rules of the Game - Director:Jean Renoir - Cast:Marcel Dalio,Nora Grégor,Roland Toutain,Jean Renoir,Mila Parély,Odette Talazac and Gaston Modot.
"Q-Gardian: Do you have one great, unrealised ambition?
Woody Allen: I'm 65 years old now and I've made over thirty films, I've been working for thirty years... I would like to, but I don't think it's going to happen, but I would like to make one great film. That would be a wonderful thing. I would like to, in the course of my lifetime and the course of my work, make a film that I could put on the same bill as Rashomon or Grand Illusion or Rules of the Game with impunity. I could just say, "They're showing, you know, Throne of Blood and my film," and feel completely at ease and not feel completely humiliated."
"The Rules of the Game taught me the rules of the game"
-Robert Altman-
"There is a moment when every true creator makes such a leap forward that his audience is left behind. For Renoir, 'The Rules of the Game" was the sign of maturity, a film so new that it looks confusingly as if it might be a failure; one of those failures that leaves you, the morning after, counting your friends on the fingers of one hand."
-Francois Truffaut-


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