Friday, March 24, 2006

20- The Films of Charlie Chaplin- Director:Charles Chaplin. Cast:Charles Chaplin

"What is Bresson’s genre? He doesn’t have one. Bresson is Bresson. He is a genre in himself. Antonioni, Fellini, Bergman, Kurosawa, Dovhenko, Vigo, Mizoguchi, Bunuel… each identified with himself. The very concept of genre is as cold as the tomb. And is Chaplin – comedy? No: he is Chaplin, pure and simple; a unique phenomenon, never to be repeated. He is unadulterated hyperbole; but above all he stuns us at every moment of his screen existence with the truth of his hero’s behavior. ..." "

- Andrei Tarkovsky-

"City Lights is my favorite from him because it's about love..."

-Woody Allen-


Chales Chaplin and Ingmar Bergman


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