Wednesday, July 19, 2006

52- Bicycle Thiefs - Director: Vittorio De Sica. Cast: Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola, Elena Altieri and Vittorio Antonucci.

“I've lost all my money on these films. They are not commercial. But I'm glad to lose it this way. To have for a souvenir of my life pictures like Umberto D. and The Bicycle Thief.”
-Vittorio De Sica-

The International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) ,1995:

1-Citizen Kane -Welles
2-Battleship Potemkin -Eisenstein
3-The Cabinet of Dr Caligari - Wiene
4-Nanook of the North- Flaherty
5-Man with a Movie Camera - Vertov
6-The Rules of the Game-Renoir
7-Intolerance -Griffith
8- Bicycle Thiefs -De Sica
10-Andrei Rublev -Tarkovsky


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