Wednesday, March 08, 2006

16-La Dolce Vita . Director: Federico Fellini. Cast:Marcello Mastroianni,Anita Ekberg and Anouk Aimee.

" We were supposed to collaborate once, and along with Kurosawa make one love story each for a movie produced by Dino de Laurentiis. I flew down to Rome with my script and spent a lot of time with Fellini while we waited for Kurosawa, who finally couldn't leave Japan because of his health, so the project went belly-up. Fellini was about to finish Satyricon. I spent a lot of time in the studio and saw him work. I loved him both as a director and as a person, and I still watch his movies."

-Ingmar Bergman-

"Myself, I love 8 1/2. My take on what Fellini was trying to do there may be different from other people's.Sunset Boulevard, Persona, Lolita that are my favorite movies. 8 1/2, La Strada, I Vitelloni..."

"I started getting excited about movies, it was foreign films. La Strada for instance, and Eight And a Half. Persona, Hour Of The Wolf, all of Jacques Tati's films. I also liked Sunset Boulevard and Hitchcock, particularly Vertigo and Rear Window."

"I have a profound admiration for Fellini. I met him lately and he's just fantastic. I feel very close to him even though he's very Italian. But his films could have been made in every country. When I say, I feel close to him, then also because we're both born on January 20th."

"I really like Fellini, Bergman, Kubrick, Hitchcock, Tati and The Wizard of Oz."

-David Lynch-


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