Monday, September 12, 2005

10-Singin' in the Rain.Director:Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly.Cast:Gene Kelly,Donald O'Connor,Debbie Reynolds,Jean Hagen and Cyd Charisse.

"One of this movie's pleasures is that it's really about something. Of course it's about romance, as most musicals are, but it's also about the film industry in a period of dangerous transition. The movie simplifies the changeover from silents to talkies, but doesn't falsify it. Yes, cameras were housed in soundproof booths, and microphones were hidden almost in plain view. And, yes, preview audiences did laugh when they first heard the voices of some famous stars; Garbo Talks!'' the ads promised, but her *co-star, John Gilbert, would have been better off keeping his mouth shut. The movie opens and closes at sneak previews, has sequences on sound stages and in dubbing studios, and kids the way the studios manufactured romances between their stars."

-Roger Ebert- (*Garbo's first talkie was "Anna Christie" and John Gilbert does not star in it.)


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