Tuesday, September 06, 2005

8- Ikiru . Director:Akira Kurosawa. cast:Takashi Shimura,Nobuo Kaneko and Shinichi Himori.

"Ikiru is a cinematic expression of modern existentialist thought. It consists of a restrained affirmation within the context of a giant negation. What it says in starkly lucid terms is that ‘life’ is meaningless when everything is said and done; at the same time one man’s life can acquire meaning when he undertakes to perform some task that to him is meaningful. What everyone else thinks about that man’s life is utterly beside the point, even ludicrous. The meaning of his life is what he commits the meaning of his life to be. There is nothing else.”
- Richard Brown-

" Sometimes I think of my death,I think of ceasing to be . . . and it is from these thoughts that Ikiru came "
-Akira Kurosawa-
"The great strength of the picture is the total seriousness and importance of what Kurosawa has to say: to live is to love; the rest is cancer"
-TIME magazine-1960-


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