Thursday, June 28, 2007

70-Stagecoach - Director:John Ford - Cast:Claire Trevor, John Wayne, Andy Devine and John Carradine.
"When (John) Ford was dying we used to discuss how tough it was to make a good western without [John] Wayne."
-Howard Hawks-
"[John] Wayne is underrated. He's an awfully good actor: He holds a thing together; he gives it a solidity and honesty, and he can make a lot of things believable."
-Howard Hawks-
"It's no use talking to me about art, I make pictures to pay the rent."
-John Ford-
"...Stagecoach talks about the need for bonding."
-Mel Brooks-
“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”
-John Ford-
"Originally, I didn't like Ford---because of his material: for example, the comic secondary characters, the brutality, the male-female relationships typified by the man's slapping the woman on the backside. But eventually I came to understand that he had achieved an absolute uniformity of technical expertise. And his technique is the more admirable for being unobtrusive: His camera is invisible; his staging is perfect; he maintains a smoothness of surface in which no one scene is allowed to become more important than any other. Such mastery is possible only after one has made an enormous number of films. Questions of quality aside, John Ford is the Simenon of directors."
-Francois Truffaut-
"He's a warm, kind-hearted, loving, generous, intellectual genius"
-Deborah Kerr-on John Wayne

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

69-Only Angels Have Wings - Director:Howard Hawks. Cast: Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, Richard Barthelmess and Rita Hayworth.
"'one of the most intellectual filmmakers in America''
-Francois Truffaut-on Hawks
"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes."
-Howard Hawks-
"Cary Grant was so far the best that there isn't anybody to be compared to him."
-Howard Hawks-
"If one does not love the films of Howard Hawks, one cannot love cinema".
-Eric Rohmer-
"(Hawks) is the greatest cinematic intelligence among American directors. He isn't a cinema addict, nor is he anguished or obsessed. Rather, he loves life in all its manifestations, and because of this harmony with life in general, he was able to make the two or three greatest examples of every genre of film (except perhaps comedy, in which you have Lubitsch etc.). To be specific: Hawks made the three best Westerns (Red River, The Big Sky, and Rio Bravo), the two best aviation films (Only Angels Have Wings and Air Force), and the three best thrillers (The Big Sleep, To Have and Have Not, and Scarface)."
-Francois Truffaut-
"I don't think plot as a plot means much today. I'd say that everybody has seen every plot twenty times. What they haven't seen is characters and their relation to one another. I don't worry much about plot anymore."
-Howard Hawks-

Monday, June 25, 2007

68- La Strada -Director:Federico Fellini - Cast:Anthony Quinn, Giulietta Masina, Richard Basehart and Aldo Silvani.
"Q---The first decade of Rolling Stone,from 1967 to 1977,was arguably the greatest era in American film.
Jack Nicholson: All film,really.Because of the nature of the business,there were widely distributed foreign films.We expected to see--and did see--a different masterpiece every week.Many weeks it was more than one.It started in the art houses with La Strada,The Magnificent Seven,and went all the way through those years.We went to see who was the master this week.Satyajit Ray?Godard?Truffaut?You couldn't get a better film education than just happening to be going to the movies in that period.
Q---What films expanded your sense of what movies could be?
Jack Nicholson:The Magnificent Seven.La Strada.8 1/2.The 400 Blows.Jules and Jim.Breathless.All the Bergman movies.Kurosawa never failed.There was Resnais's Last year at Marienbad.These movies were mind-boggling.
-Jack Nicholson-on Rolling Stone magazine fortieth anniversary
"He is enormously intuitive. He is intuitive; he is creative; he is an enormous force. He is burning inside with such heat. Collapsing. Do you understand what I mean? The heat from his creative mind, it melts him. He suffers from it; he suffers physically from it. One day when he can manage this heat and can set it free, I think he will make pictures you have never seen in your life. He is rich. As every real artist, he will go back to his sources one day. He will find his way back."
-Ingmar Bergman-on Fellini

67- The Public Enemy -Director:William A. Wellman - Cast:James Cagney, Jean Harlow, Edward Woods, Joan Blondell and Donald Cook.
"James Cagney was a great force in American Cinema, and a wonderful actor with a lot of enthusiasm for whatever he did.
He was fearless."
-Clint Eastwood-
"Cagney always played the tough guys that you loved,you know...that you fell in love with.
-Kevin Spacey-
"Hell he was a serious actor ! Great to watch,what energy!
-Martin Landau-
"I was working on a picture called The Aviator, and that's about Howard Hughes in the early days...and particualy ,in the beginning of the film,shooting Hell's Angels which is a film with Jean Harlow etc etc...And as research I showed the actors 2 films.Public Enemy and Wings.Public Enemy was important because I wanted Leo DiCaprio to understand what Howard Hughes was up against.What he had to top when he came into town and he made Scarface.That night we showed Public Enemy in a 35mm little screen room in Los Angeles,and there was some other young actors there,people from the crew,and something happened.These are kids,in their mid-20s,some early 20s...Cagney walks on the screen,and as one of them put it afterwards,modern screen acting Begins.I must say that they reacted to everything in the picture as if it was a film that came out yesterday."
-Martin Scorsese-

Thursday, June 14, 2007

66-Gone with the Wind-A David O. Selznick picture-Cast: Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland and Thomas Mitchell.
" It has that magic of old Hollywood,and there's something that just unlocks that fantasy part of your brain when you see those images of that film."
-Martin Scorsese-
Her performance is 'Gone with the Wind' is truly a work of art"
-Richard Dreyfuss-
"I don't know what that Method is. Acting is life, to me, and should be."
-Vivian Leigh-